
Life without music, is like Spongebob without Patrick

No offence" means "I am about to insult you, but don`t get mad

Some times i want to disappear and see if any one would miss me

When i am sad, i shove in my Headphones and just ignor the Damn World

Only A Chemist can Understand a Doctor`s Handwriting!!!

Trust me, you really DON`T want to know what goes on in my head.

Fighting the urge to put a sarcastic comment on someone else`s status

I say "I dunno" when I don't want to tell you

I went to a sandwich place and they asked me to write my name down for when it was ready. I wrote "Lord Voldemort" and the cashier said "The sandwich of the one who shall not be named is ready."

3 Things that i learned in school: 1. Text without looking. 2. Sleeping without getting caught. 3. Teamwork on tests...

When The Teacher Says "GET OUT" It Means You Have Won The"ARGUMENT"

I still sing my ABC`s to see which letter comes first.

A single text can change my mood at any moment.

I remember when my bestfriend was the shy and quiet one... I created a monster :D

Turning the exam paper before it starts because you`re a fearless bastard.

Not Safely Removing Your USB Because You're A Fearless Bastard.