
Do you speak English? -Yes -Name? -Adolf Bumin. -Sex? -3 to 5 times a week. -No, I mean..male/female? -Yes, male,female and sometimes camels. -Holy cow! -Yes, cows, sheep...Animals in general. -Oh dear, -No, deer runs too fast.:O

Patrick-"How much?" Mr. Krabs- "$5.00" Patrick- "All I have is $7.00" Mr. Krabs- "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, ok!" Patrick- "Patrick Star, you are one smart shopper!"

My bed gets mysteriously too comfortable in morning

Dear future me; prepare yourself. There`s gonna be good days & bad days. There`s gonna be heartache & butterflies. Don`t let anyone bring you down & keep your head up. Set your goals high & challenge yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to, so don`t take the easy way out.

I still sing ma ABC to see which letter comes first..!!